Steve Stone

Developer. Designer. Youth Worker. Nerd.

Design System

Header Example Input Example Button Example


We've spun up several tools and have plans for some upcoming tools at DYM. Rather than reinvent the wheel every time, I decided to learn Storybook and create a design system. Storybook self-documents and has some fun UI features allowing you to test out React Components before you drop them into your project. I love how easy it is to put all of your code, documentation, and use-cases in the same place as the components themselves, because I am terrible at remembering to change everything!

Behind the Scenes

The system is based on Storybook. The storybook portion is hosted on Netlify. When merging to main Netlify deploys a new version.

There is a second "output" for the app, which is a package hosted on Github Packages. When running auto, it will bump the version number, update a changelog, and version control another release on Github. In other applications, update the version number to the latest and all projects will have an up-to-date design system!