Steve Stone

Developer. Designer. Youth Worker. Nerd.

May 8, 2015

Yesterday I wrote about how Listacular is my go-to list making app. Listacular doesn't have a platform for desktop or web or plans to make either which was almost a deal-breaker for me. But, because it's just plain text files, you can use your favorite text editor to edit your lists on any device.

Now, I have Sublime Text open on my computer all day. I use it for my meeting notes, idea dump-board, projects I am coding, you name it. So naturally, it would be awesome to have my todo list open in Sublime as well, right?

PlainTasks to the rescue

PlainTasks is a free Sublime Text package that turns .taskpaper files into functional lists.

I won't go into all of the nooks and crannies, but if you use Sublime Text, this is definitely worth a look at. It's super awesome.