Steve Stone

Developer. Designer. Youth Worker. Nerd.

Changing your view in Sketch
July 18, 2017

I’ve looked and I can’t seem to find a single, comprehensive list of all the tricks and keyboard shortcuts to change a view in Sketch. So I decided to try and make one.


⌘ + + Zoom in.
⌘ + – Zoom out.
⌘ + 0 Show actual size of the canvas (1px is 1px).
⌘ + 1 Zoom and center all of the elements in your page.
⌘ + 2 Zoom and center the selected layer.
⌘ + 3 Just center the selected layer.
Hold down Z + click or drag an area to zoom into it.
Hold Option + Z and click to reverse the zoom.
Hold spacebar down, click and drag to pan around the canvas.

View Options

Ctrl + L Toggle layout.
Ctrl + G Toggle grid.
Ctrl + R Toggle rulers.
Ctrl + P Toggle pixels.
Ctrl + X Toggle the pixel grid.
⌘ + Option + T Toggle Toolbar.
⌘ + Option + 1 Toggle Layer List.
⌘ + Option + 2 Toggle Inspector.
⌘ + Option + 3 Toggle Layer List and Inspector.

Window modes

⌘ + . Enter presentation mode.
⌘ + M Minimize Window (most macOS apps).
⌘ + H Hide Window (most macOS apps).
⌘ + Option + H Hide Other Windows (most macOS apps).
⌘ + ` (above tab) Switch between open Sketch projects (most macOS apps).
Ctrl + ⌘ + F Toggle fullscreen (most macOS apps).

Switching Pages and Artboards

fn ↓ or fn ↑ to move up or down a page (from Page 1 to Page 2).
fn ← or fn → to move between artboards (from Artboard 1 to Artboard 2).

Hopefully this helps you